[8 Samples] Letter to Neighbor About Replacing Fence


[8 Samples] Letter to Neighbor About Replacing Fence

When it comes to conflicts over border lines, there are two basic categories. In one case, you can have a problem with the actual location of the property's borderline. 

Regardless of the difficulty, you are facing, it is essential to find a speedy and amicable solution to prevent conflict with your neighbors.

Why write a letter to resolve a question about a property line?

Since conversations often get heated in face-to-face meetings, it might be difficult to express your concerns and the reasons you are not in agreement with your neighbor in writing. 

However, writing to your neighbor allows you to do just that.

Letter-based communication gives both parties a written record of the disagreement. This may be helpful if the situation ever has to be settled in court.

You may use professional or casual language while writing your dispute letter. The kind, severity, and state of your connection with your neighbor may all play a role in this. 

A documented record of your verbal and written talks on the subject must exist. 

To help you communicate with your neighbor about a boundary line disagreement, we have included both official and informal samples of complaint letter templates below.

If my letter doesn't resolve the conflict, what should I do?

If you are unable to settle a disagreement amicably and equitably between yourself, mediation may be the answer. A mediator may be an impartial third party, such as a lawyer or chartered surveyor. 

The mediator will guide any conversations, hear all sides of the story, and make suggestions for a fair and equitable resolution. 

The benefits of using a lawyer as a mediator are that both parties may get an accurate explanation of the legal situation.

If this doesn't work and you and your neighbor are unable to reach an agreement, you may have no choice but to file a lawsuit and start judicial procedures. 

You should keep in mind, however, that this might eventually sour your connection with your neighbor.

1. Sample letter to neighbor about fence victoria

(Sender’s details)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

(Receiver’s details)

Subject: Letter about fence

Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to let you know that I want to install a fence on the ______ (boundary walls of my home, land boundary, property, or other) located at. (address). Fencing is primarily used because. (reason for fencing). 

In this respect, I sincerely ask you to provide NOC or clearance for the project. Please find attached a copy of the NOC for your polite review.

If you have any questions or concerns about the fence, you may reach us at. (mention your contact details here).

________ (Name)
________ (Contact Details)

2. Sample letter to neighbor about replacing fence California


Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

Sub, Notice of Intent

The fence between 100 and 104 Apple Lane, proposed

As you are aware, we want to build a boundary (division) fence between your property and the one next to it.

and ours, as we have already explained to you. We have not been successful to date in come to a mutually agreeable understanding about the cost-sharing of the barrier. 

Despite the absence of a contract, we want to go on with the building as stated by the City of Mississauga 0075-2004 By-law, a copy of which is provided for your review. information. 

Three bids for fence construction are also included; they define the kind of fence, and size (height, length, etc.) The prices mentioned are for the fence as specified, in real dollars.

Beginning on, the fence will be built in line with the lowest bid obtained. 24 days after this notification is given, (date). You may also get three (3) more quotations and provide them to us.

Ten (10) days from the date of this notification, along with a copy of them, we may then
Before deciding, consider each quotation. If we don't hear from you before the deadline for
We will proceed with building the fence throughout the fourteen (14) day timeframe.

We anticipate coming to a friendly understanding.


3. Example Of Letter To Neighbor Regarding Fence Repair

Name and Address
Zip Code, City, and State


Name of the Neighbor
Residence Address
Zip Code, City, and State

Concerning the Fence

Dear [Name of Neighbor],

We've always had a decent, neighborly connection, in my perspective. I'd like to recommend that you fix your fence before it entirely falls on my property as a consequence.

I cannot "hang anything over your head" since there is no homeowners' association or other official organization in our community. No laws of the city have been breached by you either. Just please, before someone gets harmed, mend your fence as a nice neighbor.

I value your attention in this situation and look forward to reaching a mutually agreeable settlement. You may contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address], but I'd like to see you in person.




4. Sample letter to resolve a dispute

[Insert name and address]

[Name of recipient and address here]
[Year Here]

Hi [name],

I'm writing to let you know that I'm considering building a fence between our residences.

Actually, I want to do so to enhance the appearance of our houses. I'd want to emphasize that I'd like to [Insert plan here]. -

By now, I could have begun putting up the fence, but I really wanted your opinion since you're my neighbor, and your opinion counts.

If you want anything specific in the fence, like an entryway, etc., do let me know. I would be more than pleased to talk to you about it. Tell me whether you will split the costs if your recommended improvements make the fence more expensive.

If you disagree, I will just erect the fence on my side of the property line, but I need your consent to do so.

Please let me know what you think about this. I really anticipate hearing from you.


Read: Real Estate Agent Changing Brokers Letter (5 Samples)

[8 Samples] Letter to Neighbor About Replacing Fence

5. Example letter to neighbor about fence uk

(Your name)

[Your name] [Your home address]

[Name of your neighbor]

[Address] "Delivered personally"


Dear [name] (or, if unknown, "dear neighbor" in the address)

Regarding the [fence/hedge/other encroachment] on my property

As you can see from the attached survey/plat map, the [fence/hedge/other encroachment] actually lies on my property.

This letter serves as formal notice that you have 30 days to remove the [fence/hedge/other encroachment] from my property.

[If there are better options, add the next paragraph]

I may sell or "lend" you this strip of land under the condition that you acknowledge my ownership of the land if you do not want to remove your [fence/hedge/other encroachment]. Maybe we could get together to talk about these options [next week/add pertinent date].

Please be aware that if we are unable to quickly and amicably resolve this matter, I will be forced to file a lawsuit and request an ejectment order to compel the removal of the [fence/hedge/other encroachment] from my property.

my sincere thanks,

(With your signature)

(Your name)

6. Sample encroachment letter to neighbor

Hi [name]

I just wanted to get in touch about the [insert tree species here, if known] at [location]. If left unattended, the tree [has a broken branch, is overgrown, is diseased, or causes me other concern] may cause damage to my property.

Are you the owner of the tree? If so, would you kindly take a look and make the necessary arrangements to make it safe?

Do you know the person(s) who are in charge of the tree is not yours?

I appreciate your support.

(Your name)

[Home address]

7. Sample complaint letter for encroachment

[Your name] 

[Your home address]

[Name of your neighbor]

[Address] "Delivered personally"


Dear [name] (or, if unknown, "dear neighbor" in the address)

Regarding the dispute regarding [insert brief description here]

I'm writing in regards to the ongoing dispute over [provide a briefer description of your dispute].

I've tried to speak with you about this in person, but I think a letter might be more helpful. I want to get this resolved as quickly and amicably as I can. 

So, I'd like to propose a meeting at [location - such as a neighborhood cafe or another neutral location] on [date] at [time]. If you can make it, kindly let me know.

Like you, I want to resolve this matter as soon as possible. I'm excited to see you on [date].

My heartfelt thanks,

8. Neighbor dispute letter template

[Your name] 

[Your home address]

[Name of your neighbor]

[Address] "Delivered personally"


Dear [name] (or, if unknown, "dear neighbor" in the address)

Around the dispute regarding [insert quick summary here]

I'm writing in regards to the continuing argument over [include a briefer explanation of your dispute].

I've attempted to speak with you about this in person, but I think a letter could be more helpful. I want to have this resolved as fast and politely as I can. 

So, I'd like to propose a meeting at [place - such as a neighborhood café or another neutral venue] on [day] at [hour]. If you can make it, just let me know.

Like you, I want to resolve this matter as soon as possible. I'm excited to see you on [date].

My heartfelt thanks,

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